Some thoughts from the husband behind Follow Your Plate:

Traveling has always been something I’ve enjoyed, but I never thought it would become a lifestyle. Especially as our last trips included a hospital stay in Peru and a burglary in Brazil, but those are stories for another time.  To catch everybody up, my wife and I have decided to go on an adventure.  We recently left our jobs and plan on spending the rest of the year traveling, mainly around Europe.  This has been in the works for about two years now and honestly, it took me a while to come around to the idea.  The thought of leaving my engineering job, a career I enjoy, without something else lined up is truly frightening.  While I’m sure this hiatus will not be permanent, the fear of the unknown always weighs heavy.

Our last major vacation in Peru brought us to the amazing salt mines shown here, otherwise known as Las Salinas.

When asked what motivated me in my previous job, “the challenge” was often my response.  I found joy in conquering concepts that didn’t always come easy, creating solutions to problems, and seeing the mathematical construct that defines our environment.  Our new adventure is certainly different, but my approach will be somewhat similar.  Traveling for an extended period of time comes with its own set of challenges. Everything from where we will live, how to communicate, and how to get around are just a few.  Thankfully, I will have my wife by my side.

Now don’t get me wrong, we wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t see the amazing benefit and opportunity it presents.  There is so much out there in the world to enjoy.  The history in Europe is tremendous, and the variety of culture is nothing short of amazing.  I’m sure there are many things we will learn in each place we visit and from each person we meet.  While I’m honestly not sure what I’m looking forward to most, I know there will be something new and exciting around each corner.

One of the best parts for me, is to support Kim in her career aspirations.  Such a large part of our travel experience is the food we enjoy. Not only will we sample the local cuisine, but cooking classes will be a regular activity.  Hopefully we can share some of what we learn with you.  And hey, seeing the amazing things this world has to offer doesn’t hurt either. 

Since we already have a platform to share some of our stories, I’ll try to keep you posted throughout our travels.  Maybe I’ll even throw some travel tips in along the way.  Our journey starts in Paris, and we plan to do some longer stays in Italy.  However, we are always open to suggestions, so let us know if you have ideas about places to go, things to see, and especially things to eat!  

And with that, our journey begins.  Hopefully, I can encourage others to take a similar leap.  Whether traveling be your desire, or maybe a change in careers; don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you.  As cliché as it may sound, follow your dreams, or as it is in our case, follow your plate!