Information for your visit to the Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

Where: Near Carbost on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

Parking: Free parking available at Forestry Commission carpark.  Parking often overflows onto to the road.  Check out the map below for the exact location.

Level of Difficulty: Easy to moderate.  This depends if you choose to stay on the path, cross the water to the other side, or climb down any of the falls.

The Hike:  This hike is for anyone who likes waterfalls and spotting fairies.  After parking, you follow a groomed trail down to what looks like a large crack in the ground (this is where I almost turned around and got back in the car).  After about a 5-10 minute walk, there will be 2 small waterfalls to your left. Continue down the path another 15 minutes and you will see the first of a series of 5 larger waterfalls on the right hand-side.  Each waterfall from here on out is only about 1-2 minutes apart.

Each waterfall is unique in its own way. Some are taller than others.  Some have multiple falls that twist and turn to make one long scene. While exploring, don’t just stay to one side.  Where possible, cross the water to gain a different perspective. You won’t be sorry! 

Time of Day: Honestly, any time of day would be perfect. There is so much to explore that the crowds are constantly shifting. If you are a photographer, just be patient and you will likely have an opportunity to get a shot without anyone in it.

What to wear: Though it is an easy hike, we would recommend wearing comfortable athletic wear.  Lots of people swim here too, so if that interests you, bring a swimsuit and some flip flops!  However, be forewarned, the water can be extremely cold.  Of course it’s still Scotland, so don’t forget to your light layers and a rain coat or poncho.


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